
How to choose the best study abroad consultant in India?

  Did you just clear your class twelfth or are you a graduate planning to pursue your education overseas? Even if you are a working professional with an experience of more than 5 years you can still have a beautiful opportunity to apply for your overseas education and fulfill your desire of studying abroad. But the most important factor to consider while planning your overseas education at the right destination is where you can plan your study and how to find the most suitable university. How to Pick the Right Abroad Education Destination? Making the most of your study abroad experience requires careful destination selection. There are tens of thousands of amazing nations, cities, and towns to pick from. To determine which is ideal for you, consider the following aspects: What academic fields are you interested in? You can narrow down your options for studying abroad by determining your budget. Some nations provide free or extremely affordable scholarships and grant options. A coun...

The complete Guide to Study in Canada after 12th from India in 2023

  A crucial choice to make is which course, degree, certificate, and university or college you wish to attend to further your education. So let's quickly understand the secondary education system in Canada. Never forget that Canada distinguishes between college and university education. You can earn a Bachelor's, Master's, or Doctoral degree at universities in Canada. Diplomas, advanced diplomas, postgraduate diplomas, etc. are available from Canadian colleges. You must consider Canada's educational system if you plan to pursue a postsecondary education there. Canada's educational system, which is one of the greatest in the world, is a draw for overseas applicants. In addition to providing top-notch facilities and infrastructure, along with faculty members who are highly qualified and experienced, Canadian universities also provide students with access to attractive and scenic landscapes, proximity to a variety of attractions, the opportunity to work during or after...

How to plan your Canada Student Visa in 2023?

  In 2023 one of the most desirable places in the world for overseas students is to study in Canada. This is how to apply for a study permit. A record-breaking 450,000 new international students came to Canada last year the excellent standard of education, security, and multiculturalism in Canada are a few of the factors that make it so appealing to overseas students. International students are permitted to work in Canada while enrolled in a program, and they are also qualified to apply for a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) once they graduate. International students have the chance to expand their Canadian work experience through the PGWP, which may increase their chances of eventually being granted permanent residency in Canada. In fact, a large number of Canada's approximately 100 economic class immigration programs are designed with foreign students in mind. Former international students often perform well in the job market after obtaining permanent residency, according to Ca...